
protocolsince v0.0-1424Edit
implemented for ArrayNodeSeq ChunkedCons ChunkedSeq Cons Cycle EmptyList IndexedSeq IntegerRange Iterate KeySeq LazySeq List NodeSeq PersistentArrayMapSeq PersistentQueueSeq PersistentTreeMapSeq RSeq Range Repeat ValSeq

Source docstring:
Protocol for accessing the next items of a collection.
Source code @ clojurescript:src/main/cljs/cljs/core.cljs
(defprotocol INext
  (^clj-or-nil -next [coll]
    "Returns a new collection of coll without the first item. In contrast to
     rest, it should return nil if there are no more items, e.g.
     (next []) => nil
     (next nil) => nil"))