
dynamic varsince v1.7.10Edit
Source docstring:
Each runtime environment provides a different way to load a library.
Whatever function *load-fn* is bound to will be passed two arguments - a
map and a callback function: The map will have the following keys:

:name   - the name of the library (a symbol)
:macros - modifier signaling a macros namespace load
:path   - munged relative library path (a string)

It is up to the implementor to correctly resolve the corresponding .cljs,
.cljc, or .js resource (the order must be respected). If :macros is true
resolution should only consider .clj or .cljc resources (the order must be
respected). Upon resolution the callback should be invoked with a map
containing the following keys:

:lang       - the language, :clj or :js
:source     - the source of the library (a string)
:file       - optional, the file path, it will be added to AST's :file keyword
              (but not in :meta)
:cache      - optional, if a :clj namespace has been precompiled to :js, can
              give an analysis cache for faster loads.
:source-map - optional, if a :clj namespace has been precompiled to :js, can
              give a V3 source map JSON

If the resource could not be resolved, the callback should be invoked with
Source code @ clojurescript:src/main/cljs/cljs/js.cljs
  ^{:dynamic true}
  (fn [m cb]
    (throw (js/Error. "No *load-fn* set"))))