
functionsince v0.0-2843Edit
(mapped-stacktrace stacktrace)
(mapped-stacktrace stacktrace opts)

Source docstring:
Given a vector representing the canonicalized JavaScript stacktrace
return the ClojureScript stacktrace. The canonical stacktrace must be
in the form:

   :column }*]

:file must be a URL path (without protocol) relative to :output-dir or a
identifier delimited by angle brackets. The returned mapped stacktrace will
also contain :url entries to the original sources if it can be determined
from the classpath.
Source code @ clojurescript:src/main/clojure/cljs/repl.cljc
(defn mapped-stacktrace
  ([stacktrace] (mapped-stacktrace stacktrace nil))
  ([stacktrace opts]
     (let [mapped-frames (map (memoize #(mapped-frame % opts)) stacktrace)]
       ;; take each non-nil :call and optionally merge it into :function one-level up
       ;; to avoid replacing with local symbols, we only replace munged name if we can munge call symbol back to it
       (map #(merge-with (fn [munged-fn-name unmunged-call-name]
                           (if (= munged-fn-name (string/replace (cljs.compiler/munge unmunged-call-name) "." "$"))
                             munged-fn-name)) %1 %2)
         (map #(dissoc % :call) mapped-frames)
         (concat (rest (map #(if (:call %)
                              (hash-map :function (:call %))
                         mapped-frames)) [{}]))))))