
macrosince v1.11.121Edit
(run-test test-symbol)

Source docstring:
Runs a single test.

Because the intent is to run a single test, there is no check for the namespace test-ns-hook.
Source code @ clojurescript:src/main/cljs/cljs/test.cljc
(defmacro run-test
  (let [test-var (ana-api/resolve &env test-symbol)]
    (cond (nil? test-var)
          `(cljs.core/*print-err-fn* "Unable to resolve" ~(str test-symbol) "to a test function.")
          (not (:test test-var))
          `(cljs.core/*print-err-fn* ~(str test-symbol) "is not a test")
          (let [ns (:ns test-var)]
            `(let [env# (get-current-env)]
                 [(fn []
                    (when (nil? env#)
                      (set-env! (empty-env)))
                    ~(when (ana-api/resolve &env 'cljs-test-once-fixtures)
                       `(update-current-env! [:once-fixtures] assoc '~ns
                                             ~(symbol (str ns) "cljs-test-once-fixtures")))
                    ~(when (ana-api/resolve &env 'cljs-test-each-fixtures)
                       `(update-current-env! [:each-fixtures] assoc '~ns
                                             ~(symbol (str ns) "cljs-test-each-fixtures"))))]
                  [(var ~test-symbol)])
                 [(fn []
                    (when (nil? env#)