
functionsince v0.0-1236 clojure.core.reducers/folderEdit
(folder coll xf)

Source docstring:
Given a foldable collection, and a transformation function xf,
returns a foldable collection, where any supplied reducing
fn will be transformed by xf. xf is a function of reducing fn to
reducing fn.
Source code @ clojurescript:src/main/cljs/clojure/core/reducers.cljs
(defn folder
  ([coll xf]
       (-reduce [_ f1]
         (-reduce coll (xf f1) (f1)))
       (-reduce [_ f1 init]
         (-reduce coll (xf f1) init))

       (coll-fold [_ n combinef reducef]
         (coll-fold coll n combinef (xf reducef))))))