
compiler optionsince v0.0-2197Edit

Set the input language for Google Closure Compiler.

:language-in :ecmascript6 ;; default


Available options (:ecmascript... can be replaced with :es... as shorthand):

  • :ecmascript3 - 90's JavaScript.
  • :ecmascript5 - Traditional JavaScript.
  • :ecmascript5-strict - Nitpicky, traditional JavaScript.
  • :ecmascript6-typed - A superset of ES6 which adds Typescript-style type declarations. Always strict.
  • :ecmascript-2015 - ECMAScript standard approved in 2015.
  • :ecmascript-2016 - ECMAScript standard approved in 2016. Adds the exponent operator **.
  • :ecmascript-2017 - ECMAScript standard approved in 2017. Adds async/await.
  • :ecmascript-next - ECMAScript latest draft standard.

See Also: