syntax | since v0.0-1853 | in clojure | Edit |
The ability to evaluate forms at reader-time should be ignored in ClojureScript.
Allows the reader to evaluate the following form.
This feature is carried from tools.reader is not intended for use in ClojureScript, though it works for basic forms not using symbols.
;;=> 123
;;=> foo
(def foo 1)
;;=> 1
The following is the output for the ClojureScript compiler on the JVM:
#=(+ 1 2)
;; java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: + in this context
#=(clojure.core/+ 1 2)
;;=> 3
(defn- read-eval
[rdr _ opts pending-forms]
(when-not *read-eval*
(err/reader-error rdr "#= not allowed when *read-eval* is false"))
(eval (read* rdr true nil opts pending-forms)))
(defn- dispatch-macros [ch]
(case ch
\^ read-meta ;deprecated
\' (wrapping-reader 'var)
\( read-fn
\= read-eval
\{ read-set
\< (throwing-reader "Unreadable form")
\" read-regex
\! read-comment
\_ read-discard
\? read-cond
\: read-namespaced-map
\# read-symbolic-value