tagged literal | since v0.0-2120 | Edit |
Create a JavaScript object or array.
#js [...]
- JS Array#js {...}
- JS Object (with stringified keys)Data in the form of a map {}
or vector []
must follow the #js
tag, which
will be converted at compile-time to a JavaScript object or array, respectively.
This will not implicitly convert nested data into JavaScript objects or arrays.
#js {:foo 1 :bar 2}
;;=> #js {:foo 1, :bar 2}
#js [1 2 3]
;;=> #js [1 2 3]
For readability, it is sometimes preferable to use clj->js
rather than nested
#js {:foo #js {:bar 1}}
;;=> #js {:foo #js {:bar 1}}
(clj->js {:foo {:bar 1}})
;;=> #js {:foo #js {:bar 1}}
(defn read-js
(when-not (or (vector? form) (map? form))
#?(:clj (RuntimeException.
"JavaScript literal must use map or vector notation")
:cljs (js/Error.
"JavaScript literal must use map or vector notation"))))
(when-not (or (not (map? form))
(every? valid-js-literal-key? (keys form)))
#?(:clj (RuntimeException.
"JavaScript literal keys must be strings or unqualified keywords")
:cljs (js/Error.
"JavaScript literal keys must be strings or unqualified keywords"))))
(JSValue. form))
(def ^:dynamic *cljs-data-readers*
(merge ;; assumes we can read all data_readers
#?(:clj *data-readers*)
{'queue read-queue
'uuid read-uuid
'inst read-inst
'js read-js}))