
protocolsince v0.0-1211 clojure.lang/SortedEdit
implemented for PersistentTreeMap PersistentTreeSet

Source docstring:
Protocol for a collection which can represent their items
  in a sorted manner. 
Source code @ clojurescript:src/main/cljs/cljs/core.cljs
(defprotocol ISorted
  (^clj -sorted-seq [coll ascending?]
    "Returns a sorted seq from coll in either ascending or descending order.")
  (^clj -sorted-seq-from [coll k ascending?]
    "Returns a sorted seq from coll in either ascending or descending order.
     If ascending is true, the result should contain all items which are > or >=
     than k. If ascending is false, the result should contain all items which
     are < or <= than k, e.g.
     (-sorted-seq-from (sorted-set 1 2 3 4 5) 3 true) => (3 4 5)
     (-sorted-seq-from (sorted-set 1 2 3 4 5) 3 false) => (3 2 1)")
  (-entry-key [coll entry]
    "Returns the key for entry.")
  (-comparator [coll]
    "Returns the comparator for coll."))