
functionsince v0.0-1552Edit
(clj->js x & {:keys [keyword-fn], :or {keyword-fn name}, :as options})


Recursively transforms ClojureScript values to JavaScript.

ClojureScript JavaScript
Set #{} Array []
Vector [] Array []
List () Array []
Keyword :foo String "foo"
Symbol bar String "bar"
Map {} Object {}


(clj->js {:foo 1 :bar 2})
;;=> #js {:foo 1, :bar 2}

(clj->js [:foo "bar" 'baz])
;;=> #js ["foo" "bar" "baz"]

(clj->js [1 {:foo "bar"} 4])
;;=> #js [1 #js {:foo "bar"} 4]

See Also:

Source docstring:
Recursively transforms ClojureScript values to JavaScript.
sets/vectors/lists become Arrays, Keywords and Symbol become Strings,
Maps become Objects. Arbitrary keys are encoded to by `key->js`.
Options is a key-value pair, where the only valid key is
:keyword-fn, which should point to a single-argument function to be
called on keyword keys. Default to `name`.
Source code @ clojurescript:src/main/cljs/cljs/core.cljs
(defn clj->js
  [x & {:keys [keyword-fn]
        :or   {keyword-fn name}
        :as options}]
  (letfn [(keyfn [k] (key->js k thisfn))
          (thisfn [x] (cond
                        (nil? x) nil
                        (satisfies? IEncodeJS x) (-clj->js x)
                        (keyword? x) (keyword-fn x)
                        (symbol? x) (str x)
                        (map? x) (let [m (js-obj)]
                                   (doseq [[k v] x]
                                     (gobject/set m (keyfn k) (thisfn v)))
                        (coll? x) (let [arr (array)]
                                    (doseq [x (map thisfn x)]
                                      (.push arr x))
                        :else x))]
    (thisfn x)))