(defprotocol psym & doc+methods)
Source docstring:
A protocol is a named set of named methods and their signatures:
(defprotocol AProtocolName
;optional doc string
"A doc string for AProtocol abstraction"
;method signatures
(bar [this a b] "bar docs")
(baz [this a] [this a b] [this a b c] "baz docs"))
No implementations are provided. Docs can be specified for the
protocol overall and for each method. The above yields a set of
polymorphic functions and a protocol object. All are
namespace-qualified by the ns enclosing the definition The resulting
functions dispatch on the type of their first argument, which is
required and corresponds to the implicit target object ('this' in
JavaScript parlance). defprotocol is dynamic, has no special compile-time
effect, and defines no new types.
(defprotocol P
(foo [this])
(bar-me [this] [this y]))
(deftype Foo [a b c]
(foo [this] a)
(bar-me [this] b)
(bar-me [this y] (+ c y)))
(bar-me (Foo. 1 2 3) 42)
=> 45
(let [x 42]
(reify P
(foo [this] 17)
(bar-me [this] x)
(bar-me [this y] x))))
=> 17
(core/defmacro defprotocol
[psym & doc+methods]
(core/let [p (:name (cljs.analyzer/resolve-var (dissoc &env :locals) psym))
[opts methods]
(core/loop [opts {:protocol-symbol true}
methods []
sigs doc+methods]
(core/if-not (seq sigs)
[opts methods]
(core/let [[head & tail] sigs]
(core/string? head)
(recur (assoc opts :doc head) methods tail)
(core/keyword? head)
(recur (assoc opts head (first tail)) methods (rest tail))
(core/seq? head)
(recur opts (conj methods head) tail)
(throw #?(:clj (Exception.
(core/str "Invalid protocol, " psym " received unexpected argument"))
:cljs (js/Error.
(core/str "Invalid protocol, " psym " received unexpected argument"))))
psym (vary-meta psym merge opts)
ns-name (core/-> &env :ns :name)
fqn (core/fn [n] (symbol (core/str ns-name) (core/str n)))
prefix (protocol-prefix p)
_ (core/doseq [[mname & arities] methods]
(core/when (some #{0} (map count (filter vector? arities)))
#?(:clj (Exception.
(core/str "Invalid protocol, " psym
" defines method " mname " with arity 0"))
:cljs (js/Error.
(core/str "Invalid protocol, " psym
" defines method " mname " with arity 0"))))))
sig->syms (core/fn [sig]
(core/if-not (every? core/symbol? sig)
(mapv (core/fn [arg]
(core/symbol? arg) arg
(core/and (map? arg) (core/some? (:as arg))) (:as arg)
:else (gensym))) sig)
expand-dyn (core/fn [fname sig]
(core/let [sig (sig->syms sig)
fqn-fname (with-meta (fqn fname) {:cljs.analyzer/no-resolve true})
fsig (first sig)
`(let [m# (unchecked-get ~fqn-fname "_")]
(if-not (nil? m#)
(m# ~@sig)
~(core/str psym "." fname) ~fsig))))
`(let [x# (if (nil? ~fsig) nil ~fsig)
m# (unchecked-get ~fqn-fname (goog/typeOf x#))]
(if-not (nil? m#)
(m# ~@sig)
`(~sig ~check)))
expand-sig (core/fn [fname dyn-name slot sig]
(core/let [sig (sig->syms sig)
fqn-fname (with-meta (fqn fname) {:cljs.analyzer/no-resolve true})
fsig (first sig)
`(if (and (not (nil? ~fsig))
(not (nil? (. ~fsig ~(with-meta (symbol (core/str "-" slot)) {:protocol-prop true})))))
(. ~fsig ~slot ~@sig)
(~dyn-name ~@sig))
(core/if-not (:extend-via-metadata opts)
`(if-let [meta-impl# (-> ~fsig (core/meta) (core/get '~fqn-fname))]
(meta-impl# ~@sig)
`(~sig ~check)))
psym (core/-> psym
(vary-meta update-in [:jsdoc] conj "@interface")
(vary-meta assoc-in [:protocol-info :methods]
(into {}
(core/fn [[fname & sigs]]
(core/let [doc (core/as-> (last sigs) doc
(core/when (core/string? doc) doc))
sigs (take-while vector? sigs)]
[(vary-meta fname assoc :doc doc)
(vec sigs)]))
(vary-meta assoc-in [:sigs]
(into {}
(core/fn [[fname & sigs]]
(core/let [doc (core/as-> (last sigs) doc
(core/when (core/string? doc) doc))
sigs (take-while vector? sigs)]
[(keyword fname) {:name fname :arglists (list* sigs) :doc doc}]))
method (core/fn [[fname & sigs]]
(core/let [doc (core/as-> (last sigs) doc
(core/when (core/string? doc) doc))
sigs (take-while vector? sigs)
amp (core/when (some #{'&} (apply concat sigs))
&env {:protocol psym :name fname}))
_ (core/when-some [existing (core/get (-> &env :ns :defs) fname)]
(core/when-not (= p (:protocol existing))
{} {:protocol psym :name fname :existing existing})))
slot (symbol (core/str prefix (munge (name fname))))
dyn-name (symbol (core/str slot "$dyn"))
fname (vary-meta fname assoc
:protocol p
:doc doc)]
`(let [~dyn-name (core/fn
~@(map (core/fn [sig]
(expand-dyn fname sig))
(defn ~fname
~@(map (core/fn [sig]
(expand-sig fname dyn-name
(with-meta (symbol (core/str slot "$arity$" (count sig)))
{:protocol-prop true})
(set! ~'*unchecked-if* true)
(def ~psym (~'js* "function(){}"))
~@(map method methods)
(set! ~'*unchecked-if* false))))