in-ns (repl)

special form (repl)since v0.0-927 clojure.core/in-nsEdit
(in-ns name)


Only usable from a REPL.

Changes to the namespace name, creating it if needed.

Sets *cljs-ns* to the namespace name.


(in-ns 'foo.core)

Source docstring:
Sets *cljs-ns* to the namespace named by the symbol, creating it if needed.
repl specials table @ clojurescript:src/main/clojure/cljs/repl.cljc
(def default-special-fns
  (let [load-file-fn
        (fn self
          ([repl-env env form]
            (self repl-env env form nil))
          ([repl-env env [_ file :as form] opts]
            (load-file repl-env file opts)))
        (fn self
          ([repl-env env form]
           (self repl-env env form nil))
          ([repl-env env [_ [quote ns-name] :as form] _]
            ;; guard against craziness like '5 which wreaks havoc
           (when-not (and (= quote 'quote) (symbol? ns-name))
             (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Argument to in-ns must be a symbol.")))
           (when-not (ana/get-namespace ns-name)
             (swap! env/*compiler* assoc-in [::ana/namespaces ns-name] {:name ns-name})
             (-evaluate repl-env "" 1
               (str "goog.provide('" (comp/munge ns-name) "');")))
           (set! ana/*cljs-ns* ns-name)))
        (fn self
          ([repl-env env form]
           (self env repl-env form nil))
          ([repl-env env [_ & paths :as form] opts]
           (let [cp-paths (map load-path->cp-path paths)]
             (run! #(load-file repl-env % opts) cp-paths))))]
    (wrap-special-fns wrap-self
     {'in-ns in-ns-fn
      'clojure.core/in-ns in-ns-fn
      'load-file load-file-fn
      'clojure.core/load-file load-file-fn
      (fn self
        ([repl-env env form]
         (self env repl-env form nil))
        ([repl-env env [_ ns :as form] opts]
         (load-namespace repl-env ns opts)))
      'load load-fn
      'clojure.core/load load-fn})))