(reify & impls)
Source docstring:
reify creates an object implementing a protocol.
reify is a macro with the following structure:
(reify options* specs*)
Currently there are no options.
Each spec consists of the protocol name followed by zero
or more method bodies:
(methodName [args+] body)*
Methods should be supplied for all methods of the desired
protocol(s). You can also define overrides for Object methods. Note that
the first parameter must be supplied to correspond to the target object
('this' in JavaScript parlance). Note also that recur calls
to the method head should *not* pass the target object, it will be supplied
automatically and can not be substituted.
recur works to method heads The method bodies of reify are lexical
closures, and can refer to the surrounding local scope:
(str (let [f "foo"]
(reify Object
(toString [this] f))))
== "foo"
(seq (let [f "foo"]
(reify ISeqable
(-seq [this] (seq f)))))
== ("f" "o" "o"))
reify always implements IMeta and IWithMeta and transfers meta
data of the form to the created object.
(meta ^{:k :v} (reify Object (toString [this] "foo")))
== {:k :v}
(core/defmacro reify
[& impls]
(core/let [t (with-meta
(core/str "t_"
(string/replace (core/str (munge ana/*cljs-ns*)) "." "$")))
{:anonymous true})
meta-sym (gensym "meta")
this-sym (gensym "_")
locals (keys (:locals &env))
ns (core/-> &env :ns :name)
munge comp/munge]
(when-not (exists? ~(symbol (core/str ns) (core/str t)))
(deftype ~t [~@locals ~meta-sym]
(~'-with-meta [~this-sym ~meta-sym]
(new ~t ~@locals ~meta-sym))
(~'-meta [~this-sym] ~meta-sym)
(new ~t ~@locals ~(ana/elide-reader-meta (meta &form))))))