
functionsince v1.9.946 clojure.core/reset-vals!Edit
(reset-vals! a new-value)

Source docstring:
Sets the value of atom to newval. Returns [old new], the value of the
atom before and after the reset.
Source code @ clojurescript:src/main/cljs/cljs/core.cljs
(defn reset-vals!
  {:added "1.9"}
  [a new-value]
  (if (instance? Atom a)
    (let [validate (.-validator a)]
      (when-not (nil? validate)
        (when-not (validate new-value)
          (throw (js/Error. "Validator rejected reference state"))))
      (let [old-value (.-state a)]
        (set! (.-state a) new-value)
        (when-not (nil? (.-watches a))
          (-notify-watches a old-value new-value))
        [old-value new-value]))
    [(-deref a) (-reset! a new-value)]))