
functionsince v1.7.10Edit
(eval-str state source cb)
(eval-str state source name cb)
(eval-str state source name opts cb)

Source docstring:
Evalute ClojureScript source given as a string. The parameters:

state (atom)
  the compiler state

source (string)
  the ClojureScript source

name (symbol or string)
  optional, the name of the source - used as key in :source-maps

opts (map)
  compilation options.

  :eval             - eval function to invoke, see *eval-fn*
  :load             - library resolution function, see *load-fn*
  :source-map       - set to true to generate inline source map information
  :cache-source     - optional, a function to run side-effects with the
                      compilation result prior to actual evalution. This function
                      takes two arguments, the first is the eval map, the source
                      will be under :source. The second argument is a callback of
                      one argument. If an error occurs an :error key should be
  :def-emits-var    - sets whether def (and derived) forms return either a Var
                      (if set to true) or the def init value (if false). Default
                      is false.
  :checked-arrays   - if :warn or :error, checks inferred types and values passed
                      to aget/aset. Logs for incorrect values if :warn, throws if
                      :error. Defaults to false.
  :static-fns       - employ static dispatch to specific function arities in
                      emitted JavaScript, as opposed to making use of the
                      `call` construct. Defaults to false.
  :fn-invoke-direct - if `true`, does not generate `.call(null...)` calls for
                      unknown functions, but instead direct invokes via
                      `f(a0,a1...)`. Defaults to `false`.
  :target           - use `:nodejs` if targeting Node.js. Takes no other options
                      at the moment.
  :ns               - optional, the namespace in which to evaluate the source.
  :verbose          - optional, emit details from compiler activity. Defaults to
  :context          - optional, sets the context for the source. Possible values
                   are `:expr`, `:statement` and `:return`. Defaults to

cb (function)
  callback, will be invoked with a map. If succesful the map will contain
  a :value key with the result of evaluation and :ns the current namespace.
  If unsuccessful will contain a :error key with an ex-info instance describing
  the cause of failure.
Source code @ clojurescript:src/main/cljs/cljs/js.cljs
(defn eval-str
  ([state source cb]
   (eval-str state source nil cb))
  ([state source name cb]
   (eval-str state source name nil cb))
  ([state source name opts cb]
   {:pre [(atom? state) (string? source)
          (valid-name? name) (valid-opts? opts) (fn? cb)]}
     {:*compiler*     state
      :*data-readers* tags/*cljs-data-readers*
      :*analyze-deps* (:analyze-deps opts true)
      :*cljs-dep-set* ana/*cljs-dep-set*
      :*load-macros*  (:load-macros opts true)
      :*load-fn*      (or (:load opts) *load-fn*)
      :*eval-fn*      (or (:eval opts) *eval-fn*)}
     source name opts cb)))