
functionsince v0.0-927Edit
(repl repl-env & opts)

Source docstring:
Generic, reusable, read-eval-print loop. By default, reads from *in* using
a c.t.r.reader-types/source-logging-push-back-reader,
writes to *out*, and prints exception summaries to *err*. If you use the
default :read hook, *in* must either be an instance of
c.t.r.reader-types/PushbackReader or duplicate its behavior of both supporting
unread and collapsing CR, LF, and CRLF into a single \newline. Options
are sequential keyword-value pairs. The first argument is the JavaScript
evaluation environment, the second argument is an extended version of the
standard ClojureScript compiler options. In addition to ClojureScript compiler
build options it also take a set of options similar to clojure.main/repl with
adjustments for ClojureScript evalution and compilation model:

Available clojure.main/repl style options and their defaults:

   - :init, function of no arguments, initialization hook called with
     bindings for set!-able vars in place.
     default: #()

   - :need-prompt, function of no arguments, called before each
     read-eval-print except the first, the user will be prompted if it
     returns true.
     default: #(if (c.t.r.readers-types/indexing-reader? *in*)
                 (== (c.t.r.reader-types/get-column-number *in*) 1)
                 (identity true))

   - :prompt, function of no arguments, prompts for more input.
     default: repl-prompt

   - :flush, function of no arguments, flushes output
     default: flush

   - :read, function of two arguments, reads from *in*:
       - returns its first argument to request a fresh prompt
         - depending on need-prompt, this may cause the repl to prompt
           before reading again
       - returns its second argument to request an exit from the repl
       - else returns the next object read from the input stream
     default: repl-read

   - :eval, function of one argument, returns the evaluation of its
     argument. The eval function must take repl-env, the JavaScript evaluation
     environment, env, the ClojureScript analysis environment, the form
     and opts, the standard ClojureScript REPL/compiler options.
     default: eval

   - :print, function of one argument, prints its argument to the output
     default: println

   - :caught, function of three arguments, a throwable, called when
     read, eval, or print throws an exception or error default. The second
     argument is the JavaScript evaluation environment this permits context
     sensitive handling if necessary. The third argument is opts, the standard
     ClojureScript REPL/compiler options. In the case of errors or exception
     in the JavaScript target, these will be thrown as
     clojure.lang.IExceptionInfo instances.
     default: repl-caught

   - :reader, the c.t.r reader to use.
     default: c.t.r.reader-types/source-logging-push-back-reader

   - :print-no-newline, print without a newline.
     default: print

   - :source-map-inline, whether inline source maps should be enabled. Most
     useful in browser context. Implies using a fresh reader for each form.
     default: true
Source code @ clojurescript:src/main/clojure/cljs/repl.cljc
(defn repl
  [repl-env & opts]
  (assert (even? (count opts))
    "Arguments after repl-env must be interleaved key value pairs")
  (repl* repl-env (apply hash-map opts)))