
functionsince v0.0-927Edit
(send-print url data)
(send-print url data n)

Source docstring:
Send data to be printed in the REPL. If there is an error, try again
up to 10 times.
Source code @ clojurescript:src/main/cljs/clojure/browser/repl.cljs
(defn send-print
  ([url data]
   (send-print url data 0))
  ([url data n]
   (let [conn (net/xhr-connection)]
     (event/listen conn :error
       (fn [_]
         (if (< n 10)
           (send-print url data (inc n))
           (.log js/console (str "Could not send " data " after " n " attempts.")))))
     (net/transmit conn url "POST" data nil 0))))