
special symbolsince v0.0-1853 in clojure in ednEdit

nil is a representation of nothing. Its underlying representation is JavaScript's null, and is equal to JavaScript's undefined when compared.


It is common for operations to safely handle nil without causing exceptions.

Expressions evaluate to nil if there is no value to return.


;;=> nil

nil can sometimes mean "not found":

(:foo {})
;;=> nil

nil can also mean that the operation didn't make sense:

(:foo nil)
;;=> nil

Reader code @ tools.reader:src/main/clojure/clojure/tools/reader.clj
(defn- read-symbol
  [rdr initch]
  (let [[line column] (starting-line-col-info rdr)]
    (when-let [token (read-token rdr :symbol initch)]
      (case token

        ;; special symbols
        "nil" nil
        "true" true
        "false" false
        "/" '/

        (or (when-let [p (parse-symbol token)]
              (with-meta (symbol (p 0) (p 1))
                (when line
                   (when-let [file (get-file-name rdr)]
                     {:file file})
                   (let [[end-line end-column] (ending-line-col-info rdr)]
                     {:line line
                      :column column
                      :end-line end-line
                      :end-column end-column})))))
            (err/throw-invalid rdr :symbol token))))))