(all-ns state)
Return all namespaces. Analagous to clojure.core/all-ns but returns symbols identifying namespaces not Namespace instances.
(analyze env form)
(analyze env form name)
(analyze env form name opts)
(analyze state env form name opts)
Given an environment, a map containing {:locals (mapping of names to bindings), :context (one of :statement, :expr, :return), :ns (a symbol naming the compilation ns)}, and form, returns an expression object (a map containing at least :form, :op and :env keys). If expr has any (immediately) nested exprs, must have :children entry. This must be a vector of keywords naming the immediately nested fields mapped to an expr or vector of exprs. This will facilitate code walking without knowing the details of the op set.
(analyze-file f)
(analyze-file f opts)
(analyze-file state f opts)
Given a java.io.File, java.net.URL or a string identifying a resource on the classpath attempt to analyze it. This function side-effects the ambient compilation environment `cljs.env/*compiler*` to aggregate analysis information. opts argument is compiler options, if :cache-analysis true will cache analysis to ":output-dir/some/ns/foo.cljs.cache.edn". This function does not return a meaningful value.
Return the current file under analysis or compilation.
(default-warning-handler warning-type env extra)
The default warning handler. Outputs the warning messages to *err*.
(empty-state opts)
Creates an empty compilation state Atom
(find-ns sym)
(find-ns state sym)
Given a namespace return the corresponding namespace analysis map. Analagous to clojure.core/find-ns.
(forms-seq rdr)
(forms-seq rdr filename)
Seq of Clojure/ClojureScript forms from rdr, a java.io.Reader. Optionally accepts a filename argument which will be used in any emitted errors.
(get-js-index state)
Return the currently computed Google Closure js dependency index from the compiler state.
(get-options state)
Return the compiler options from compiler state.
(in-cljs-user env & body)
Binds cljs.analyzer/*cljs-ns* to 'cljs.user and uses the given compilation environment atom and runs body.
(no-warn & body)
Disable analyzer warnings for any analysis executed in body.
(ns-interns ns)
(ns-interns state ns)
Given a namespace return all the var analysis maps. Analagous to clojure.core/ns-interns but returns var analysis maps not vars.
(ns-publics ns)
(ns-publics state ns)
Given a namespace return all the public var analysis maps. Analagous to clojure.core/ns-publics but returns var analysis maps not vars.
(ns-resolve ns sym)
(ns-resolve state ns sym)
Given a namespace and a symbol return the corresponding var analysis map. Analagous to clojure.core/ns-resolve but returns var analysis map not Var.
(parse-ns src)
(parse-ns src opts)
(parse-ns src dest opts)
(parse-ns state src dest opts)
Helper for parsing only the essential namespace information from a ClojureScript source file and returning a cljs.closure/IJavaScript compatible map _not_ a namespace AST node. By default does not load macros or perform any analysis of dependencies. If opts parameter provided :analyze-deps and :load-macros keys their values will be used for *analyze-deps* and *load-macros* bindings respectively. This function does _not_ side-effect the ambient compilation environment unless requested via opts where :restore is false.
(remove-ns ns)
(remove-ns state ns)
Removes the namespace named by the symbol.
(resolve env sym)
Given an analysis environment resolve a var. Analogous to clojure.core/resolve
(warning-enabled? warning-type)
Test if the given warning-type is enabled.
(warning-message warn-type warn-info)
Helper for generating the standard analyzer messages for warnings. Should be passed warn-type and warn-info. See with-warning-handlers.
(with-passes passes & body)
Evaluate the body with the provided sequence of compiler passes.
(with-state state & body)
Run the body with the given compilation state Atom
(with-warning-handlers handlers & body)
Helper macro for custom handling of emitted warnings. Handlers should be a vector of functions. The signature of these functions is [warn-type env warn-info]. warn-type is a keyword describing the warning, env is the analysis environment, and warn-info is a map of extra useful information for a particular warning type.