
special formsince v0.0-927 clojure.core/.Edit
(. .instanceMethod instance args*)
(. .-instanceField instance)


For interop, the . special form allows access to member properties of the given JavaScript object o.

If the second operand is a symbol preceded with a hyphen as in -p, the expression will result in the value of the property named p.

If the second operand is a symbol that is not preceded with a hyphen as in m, the expression will evaluate to a call of the method named m. Any additional operands will be passed as arguments to the method.

The preferred, idiomatic way to access members of a JavaScript object is to use the following sugar:

Sugar Expands To
(.-p o)
(. o -p)
(.m o)
(. o m)
(.m o 1 2)
(. o m 1 2)


We can access the JavaScript properties of a string:

// JavaScript
var m = "Hello World";
//=> 11
;; ClojureScript
(def m "Hello World")
(.-length m)
;;=> 11

We can also call member functions on the string:

// JavaScript

m.replace("H", "");
//=> "ello World";
;; ClojureScript
(.toUpperCase m)

(.replace m "H" "")
;;=> "ello World"

Create a JavaScript object o:

(def o #js {:foo "bar"})

You can get the value at property "foo" with any of the following:

(. o -foo)
;;=> "bar"

(.-foo o)
;;=> "bar"

(aget o "foo")
;;=> "bar"

See Also:

Source docstring:
The instance member form works for methods and fields.
They all expand into calls to the dot operator at macroexpansion time.
Parser code @ clojurescript:src/main/clojure/cljs/analyzer.cljc
(defmethod parse '.
  [_ env [_ target & [field & member+] :as form] _ _]
  (disallowing-recur (analyze-dot env target field member+ form)))