
since v1.7.10

This is what is referred to as the "Bootstrapped Compiler", which allows you to compile ClojureScript with nothing but ClojureScript. In other words, this namespace provides the ability to evaluate ClojureScript code at runtime.

*eval-fn* - dynamic var
Each runtime environment provides various ways to eval JavaScript
source. Whatever function *eval-fn* is bound to will be passed a map
containing the following keys:

:source - the source of the library (string)
:name   - used to unique identify the script (symbol)
:cache  - if the source was originally ClojureScript, will be given the
          analysis cache.

The result of evaluation should be the return value.

*load-fn* - dynamic var
Each runtime environment provides a different way to load a library.
Whatever function *load-fn* is bound to will be passed two arguments - a
map and a callback function: The map will have the following keys:

:name   - the name of the library (a symbol)
:macros - modifier signaling a macros namespace load
:path   - munged relative library path (a string)

It is up to the implementor to correctly resolve the corresponding .cljs,
.cljc, or .js resource (the order must be respected). If :macros is true
resolution should only consider .clj or .cljc resources (the order must be
respected). Upon resolution the callback should be invoked with a map
containing the following keys:

:lang       - the language, :clj or :js
:source     - the source of the library (a string)
:file       - optional, the file path, it will be added to AST's :file keyword
              (but not in :meta)
:cache      - optional, if a :clj namespace has been precompiled to :js, can
              give an analysis cache for faster loads.
:source-map - optional, if a :clj namespace has been precompiled to :js, can
              give a V3 source map JSON

If the resource could not be resolved, the callback should be invoked with

*loaded* - var

analyze-str - function
(analyze-str state source cb)
(analyze-str state source name cb)
(analyze-str state source name opts cb)
Analyze ClojureScript source. The compiler state will be populated with
the results of analyzes. The parameters:

state (atom)
  the compiler state

source (string)
  the ClojureScript source

name (symbol or string)
  optional, the name of the source

opts (map)
  compilation options.

   :eval             - eval function to invoke, see *eval-fn*
   :load             - library resolution function, see *load-fn*
   :source-map       - set to true to generate inline source map information
   :def-emits-var    - sets whether def (and derived) forms return either a Var
                       (if set to true) or the def init value (if false).
                       Defaults to false.
   :checked-arrays   - if :warn or :error, checks inferred types and values passed
                       to aget/aset. Logs for incorrect values if :warn, throws if
                       :error. Defaults to false.
   :static-fns       - employ static dispatch to specific function arities in
                       emitted JavaScript, as opposed to making use of the
                       `call` construct. Defaults to false.
   :fn-invoke-direct - if `true`, does not generate `.call(null...)` calls for
                       unknown functions, but instead direct invokes via
                       `f(a0,a1...)`. Defaults to `false`.
   :target           - use `:nodejs` if targeting Node.js. Takes no other options
                       at the moment.
   :ns               - optional, the namespace in which to evaluate the source.
   :verbose          - optional, emit details from compiler activity. Defaults to
   :context          - optional, sets the context for the source. Possible values
                       are `:expr`, `:statement` and `:return`. Defaults to

cb (function)
  callback, will be invoked with a map. If successful the map will contain
  a key :value, the actual value is not meaningful. If unsuccessful the
  map will contain a key :error with an ex-info instance describing the cause
  of failure.

compile-str - function
(compile-str state source cb)
(compile-str state source name cb)
(compile-str state source name opts cb)
Compile ClojureScript source into JavaScript. The parameters:

state (atom)
  the compiler state

source (string)
  the ClojureScript source

name (symbol or string)
  optional, the name of the source - used as key in :source-maps

opts (map)
  compilation options.

   :eval             - eval function to invoke, see *eval-fn*
   :load             - library resolution function, see *load-fn*
   :source-map       - set to true to generate inline source map information
   :def-emits-var    - sets whether def (and derived) forms return either a Var
                       (if set to true) or the def init value (if false). Default
                       is false.
   :checked-arrays   - if :warn or :error, checks inferred types and values passed
                       to aget/aset. Logs for incorrect values if :warn, throws if
                       :error. Defaults to false.
   :static-fns       - employ static dispatch to specific function arities in
                       emitted JavaScript, as opposed to making use of the
                       `call` construct. Defaults to false.
   :fn-invoke-direct - if `true`, does not generate `.call(null...)` calls for
                       unknown functions, but instead direct invokes via
                       `f(a0,a1...)`. Defaults to `false`.
   :target           - use `:nodejs` if targeting Node.js. Takes no other options
                       at the moment.
   :ns               - optional, the namespace in which to evaluate the source.
   :verbose          - optional, emit details from compiler activity. Defaults to
   :context          - optional, sets the context for the source. Possible values
                       are `:expr`, `:statement` and `:return`. Defaults to

cb (function)
  callback, will be invoked with a map. If successful the map will contain
  a key :value with the compilation result (string). If unsuccessful the map
  will contain a key :error with an ex-info instance describing the cause
  of failure.

dump-core - macro

empty-state - function
(empty-state init)
Construct an empty compiler state. Required to invoke analyze, compile,
eval and eval-str.

eval - function
(eval state form cb)
(eval state form opts cb)
Evaluate a single ClojureScript form. The parameters:

state (atom)
  the compiler state

form (s-expr)
  the ClojureScript source

opts (map)
  compilation options.

   :eval             - eval function to invoke, see *eval-fn*
   :load             - library resolution function, see *load-fn*
   :source-map       - set to true to generate inline source map information
   :def-emits-var    - sets whether def (and derived) forms return either a Var
                       (if set to true) or the def init value (if false). Default
                       is false.
   :checked-arrays   - if :warn or :error, checks inferred types and values passed
                       to aget/aset. Logs for incorrect values if :warn, throws if
                       :error. Defaults to false.
   :static-fns       - employ static dispatch to specific function arities in
                       emitted JavaScript, as opposed to making use of the
                       `call` construct. Defaults to false.
   :fn-invoke-direct - if `true`, does not generate `.call(null...)` calls for
                       unknown functions, but instead direct invokes via
                       `f(a0,a1...)`. Defaults to `false`.
   :target           - use `:nodejs` if targeting Node.js. Takes no other options
                       at the moment.
   :ns               - optional, the namespace in which to evaluate the source.
   :verbose          - optional, emit details from compiler activity. Defaults to
   :context          - optional, sets the context for the source. Possible values
                       are `:expr`, `:statement` and `:return`. Defaults to

cb (function)
  callback, will be invoked with a map. If successful the map will contain
  a key :value with the result of evalution. If unsuccessful the map will
  contain a key :error with an ex-info instance describing the cause of

eval-str - function
(eval-str state source cb)
(eval-str state source name cb)
(eval-str state source name opts cb)
Evalute ClojureScript source given as a string. The parameters:

state (atom)
  the compiler state

source (string)
  the ClojureScript source

name (symbol or string)
  optional, the name of the source - used as key in :source-maps

opts (map)
  compilation options.

  :eval             - eval function to invoke, see *eval-fn*
  :load             - library resolution function, see *load-fn*
  :source-map       - set to true to generate inline source map information
  :cache-source     - optional, a function to run side-effects with the
                      compilation result prior to actual evalution. This function
                      takes two arguments, the first is the eval map, the source
                      will be under :source. The second argument is a callback of
                      one argument. If an error occurs an :error key should be
  :def-emits-var    - sets whether def (and derived) forms return either a Var
                      (if set to true) or the def init value (if false). Default
                      is false.
  :checked-arrays   - if :warn or :error, checks inferred types and values passed
                      to aget/aset. Logs for incorrect values if :warn, throws if
                      :error. Defaults to false.
  :static-fns       - employ static dispatch to specific function arities in
                      emitted JavaScript, as opposed to making use of the
                      `call` construct. Defaults to false.
  :fn-invoke-direct - if `true`, does not generate `.call(null...)` calls for
                      unknown functions, but instead direct invokes via
                      `f(a0,a1...)`. Defaults to `false`.
  :target           - use `:nodejs` if targeting Node.js. Takes no other options
                      at the moment.
  :ns               - optional, the namespace in which to evaluate the source.
  :verbose          - optional, emit details from compiler activity. Defaults to
  :context          - optional, sets the context for the source. Possible values
                   are `:expr`, `:statement` and `:return`. Defaults to

cb (function)
  callback, will be invoked with a map. If succesful the map will contain
  a :value key with the result of evaluation and :ns the current namespace.
  If unsuccessful will contain a :error key with an ex-info instance describing
  the cause of failure.

file->ns - function
(file->ns file)

js-eval - function
(js-eval {:keys [source], :as resource})
A default JavaScript evaluation function.

load-analysis-cache! - function
(load-analysis-cache! state ns cache)

load-source-map! - function
(load-source-map! state ns sm-json)

ns->relpath - function
(ns->relpath ns-sym)
Given a namespace as a symbol return the relative path sans extension

require - function
(require name cb)
(require name opts cb)
(require bound-vars name opts cb)
(require bound-vars name reload opts cb)

with-state - macro
(with-state state & body)