
Aug 5, 2015 by David Nolen on Google Groups

This release updates the Google Closure Compiler and Library dependencies to the latest. It also addresses a REPL regression, adds a goog-define helper macro for goog.define interop, and includes various other small fixes, changes and enhancements.

As always feedback welcome!



  • provide goog-define macro to support proper use of goog.define
  • CLJS-1177: A compiler support for non-Closure transforms (JSX, etc)
  • CLJS-1296: browser REPL should queue prints before connection then flush after connection
  • add :dump-core compiler option for cljs.js config
  • CLJS-1386: Symbols should be added to the constants table


  • Bump Closure Compiler dependency
  • Bump Closure Library dependency


  • CLJS-1392: cljs.repl/source regression
  • CLJS-1391: Error when building for target :nodejs
  • CLJS-1388: Stacktrace element handling for :output-dir w/o file/line/column
  • CLJS-1311: Improve error reporting when converting JavaScript modules
  • CLJS-1387: support local Closure libs that conform to classpath